For iPad application development, Please let us to do your job, we are strong in iOS !

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Recruitment flow
What we want :

Those who want to build their leadership by directly negotiating with users.
Those who have a strong sense of responsibility.
Those who want to make the world better through IT technology.

Job description
Recruitment type System engineer, programmer
Employment type Full-time employee
Location Shimizu Town, Sunto, Shizuoka (Headquarter), Numazu, Shizuoka (Lab),

Asahikawa City, Hokkaido (Asahikawa Base)

Working hours 9: 00 ~ 18: 00 (1 hour break)
Job description WEB system development
iOS / Android application development
Requirement 【required】
・Web languages such as PHP and Python
・App languages such as Android Java, Kotlin, Objective-C, swift

・Experience in developing with frameworks such as CakePHP and Laravel
・Front-end frameworks, such as Angular, Angular.js, Vue.js, React, etc.
・Experience in developing server-side Web applications (public or private)
・Experience in using Git and Git-related services. Such as GitHub

Salary 3 million yen to 5 million yen
■(Preferential treatment according to experience, skill and age)
※Qualification allowance, commuting allowance, overtime pay, etc.
※Annual pay increase (April)
※Bonus twice a year (June, December)
Holiday vacation Annual holidays: 120 days
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Paid vacation
Insurance Health insurance, employment insurance, workers’ accident compensation insurance, pension
Welfare Retirement plan system
Other Commuting by private car is possible


+81 55-941-5821
Reception hours: 9:00~18:00(Japan Time)